CFP: JGSM on Digital Transformation in the Sports Industry and Sport Organization

Special Issue for Journal of Global Sport Management

- Digital Transformation in the Sports Industry and Sport Organizations

Extended Submission Deadline: January 31, 2024

Guest Editors:

Jörg Krieger, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Research Unit Sport & Body Culture, Department of Public Health, Aarhus University,

David Ekdahl, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Research Unit Sport & Body Culture, Department of Public Health, Aarhus University,


Deadline and Submission Guidelines:

Please submit an extended abstract for the special issue to the track called ‘Digital Transformation in the Sport Industry and Sport Organization’ of the 2024 Global Fashion Management Conference at Milan ( by January 31, 2024. Extended abstracts should not exceed 5 pages (single spaced). The submission guidelines for the 2024 Global Fashion Management Conference at Milan’ can be found at the link below:  All extended abstracts will undergo a selection process by the guest editors. Selected papers will be submitted directly to the journal and undergo the journal’s peer-review process by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double-blind.


Focus Areas:

Humankind is continually advancing technological means to enhance human performances. Elite sport, which features some of the most capable physical performers, has naturally become a platform to test and implement such scientific advancements. Recently, these changes have mainly been of a digital nature due to the rapid development of digital technologies. In elite sport, these changes are visible on the sporting field, in the broadcasting of events, in training procedures, in supporter experience, and in various forms of security. Similarly, the global rise of esports is further evidence of the emergent relationship between elite performance, sports organizations and digital technologies. Research on sports’ digital transformation is increasing, but little is known about the transformative effects of these technologies on key stakeholders within the sporting industry and particularly sport organizations such as International Federations, National Olympic Committees, and sport clubs, and the ways in which they are incorporated and/or resisted by the relevant actors.


This call seeks extended abstracts to contribute to a special issue on the Digital Transformation in the Sports Industry and Sport Organizations with a focus on sport management issues. Any proposals are welcome. We are particularly looking for contributions on:


  • Leadership challenges due to digital transformation
  • Challenges for athletes in leveraging social media and digital platforms
  • Adaptation of traditional sport governance to new business models
  • Governance challenges related to data privacy and security
  • The balance between sporting traditions and the growing need to adapt to the digital reality
  • New perspectives on gender due to digitalization
  • Fashion and sport in the digital transformation
  • Esports management and sport organizations’ approaches working with gaming developers
  • The impact of digital technology on the status or perceived authenticity of sports practices
  • The history of esports organizations and spectatorship technologies
  • Emerging sporting traditions and culture within esports
  • Digital sport marketing and the building of online communities for fan engagement
  • Emerging ethical challenges in relation to the increased use of digital technologies in sport

For more information:

Jörg Krieger, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Research Unit Sport & Body Culture, Department of Public Health, Aarhus University,

Journal of Global Sport Management:

2024 Global Fashion Management Conference at Milan: