From the Academic Excellence Committee Chair

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to the 2024 Global Fashion Management Conference at Milan’. The conference promises to offer a great experience to attendees worldwide. It is a particular pleasure for all of us to interact with leading scholars in fashion management and marketing from many countries.

I would like to thank the organizers and supporters of this conference, including Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations, the Korean Scholars of Marketing Science, University of Milan, Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy, Ritsumeikan University, ISCTE-IUL-Lisbon University Institute, ISEM Fashion Business School, University of Navarra, Center for Sustainability & Wellbeing, Yonsei University, National Research Foundation of Korea, New Zealand Asia Institute of the University of Auckland, and Korea Economy & Management Development Institute. This group is expected to do an excellent job in conceptualizing and organizing the conference.

The conference's theme is ‘Marketing & Management in the Age of the Digital Fashion Transformation’ and a wide array of high-quality research will be presented.

My hope is for everyone who attends to be enriched intellectually by the quality of the research presented and personally by making new friends in beautiful and exciting Milan.

It is my pleasure to serve as Academic Excellence Committee Chair of this conference, and I look forward to meeting you!

Charles R. Taylor, Ph.D.

Chair of the Academic Excellence Committee

2024 Global Fashion Management Conference at Milan

John A. Murphy Professor of Marketing

Villanova University